Sunday, February 15, 2009


A hawk hovers in the air.
Two white gulls float on the stream.
Soaring with the wind, it is easy
To drop and seize
Birds who foolishly drift with the current.
Where the dew sparkles in the grass,
The spider’s web waits for its prey.
The processes of nature resemble the business of men.
I stand alone with ten thousand sorrows.

Often your tasks will be many,
And more than you think you can do,
Often the road will be rugged,
And the hills unclimbable too,
But always remember, the hills ahead,
They are never steep as they seem,
For nothing in life that is worthy,
Is never too hard to achieve,
If you have the courage to try it,
And the faith to believe,
For faith is a force that is greater,Than knowledge, or power or skill,
And many defeats turn to triumph,
If you trust your wisdom and will,
For faith is a mover of mountains,
There is nothing you cannot do,
So start out with faith in your heart,
And climb till your dreams come true.

Live and let live and be happy,
Love and let be gay,
Smile at every frown you see,
Life is really better that way!
Color your days full of sunshine,
Color your skies full of blue,
Live and let live and be happy!!
Now is the time that wind and rainbring blooms white over white.
And the twigs bear again blossoms white white and bright.
so nice when the morning breeze
will awaken roses and dills
and will the old almond trees
greet the now snowy hills.
on mighty hills, on shiny lands
in placid enormous sea
time is going the sea stands
so is the love living in me
long is your love living with me


rarerey said...

I never thought someone can grow in wisdom like you friend,
My hair is grey and years many,

But still I am lost in love which is one sided,
Knowing nothing will come out of it,
Why do I cling to some mirage,
Hoping against hope and what do i get except pain and heartyn break,

How do I get delivered from this bondage,
By god ,By another Love, the love I am searching for years from Body to body,

ultimately what, can you give love unselfishly,
Without expecting anything but blessing and caring ,
tell me my friend, you are a tru friend and God bless you with all the desires of your life

rarerey said...

I never thought someone can grow in wisdom like you friend,
My hair is grey and years many,

But still I am lost in love which is one sided,
Knowing nothing will come out of it,
Why do I cling to some mirage,
Hoping against hope and what do i get except pain and heartyn break,

How do I get delivered from this bondage,
By god ,By another Love, the love I am searching for years from Body to body,

ultimately what, can you give love unselfishly,
Without expecting anything but blessing and caring ,
tell me my friend, you are a tru friend and God bless you with all the desires of your life

July 4, 2009 7:17 AM